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Principal's Page

Welcome to Granite Ridge School, which serves approximately 485 students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades in the Monona Grove School District. Granite Ridge includes natural habitats for students and staff to be empowered to find the best space for engaging in learning and to continue growing and achieving. It is a privilege to continue to serve as the principal at Granite Ridge School.

I look forward to getting to know each of you as we continue to provide the best educational experience for our students in a responsible and safe environment. Open lines of communication are essential to ensure that our students meet their maximum potential. Please know that my door is always open for you!

We are proud of our highly dedicated staff, exceptional students, and supportive community. Our goal is to develop empowered learners that positively impact our community. On behalf of the entire school community, I look forward to a wonderful school year.

Reed Foster

Reed Foster

Reed Foster

John Hagen

John Hagen

Associate Principal
Kristen Halverson

Kristen Halverson

Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Julie Raasch

Julie Raasch

Administrative Assistant