The safety of our students is a top priority which is why it’s important for students to be present for monthly drills. This shelter drill is designed to help students understand what they can do to protect themselves in the unlikely case of a critical event. In all cases of a safety drill, our staff will inform students beforehand of the drill and what they can expect so they are fully prepared. We follow best practices to use trauma sensitive language and exercises to mitigate fear and anxiety during the drill.
What your student will experience: Staff will prepare students by explaining the purpose of the drill, what they can expect and what they will need to do during the drill. The drill will begin when the tornado warning alarm sounds throughout the building using the public address system. The noise of the alarm will be loud and the classroom and hallway clocks will display the Tornado Warning. Staff will calmly and quietly guide students to the nearest place of shelter in the building. Once all students and staff are in this space, staff will take attendance to ensure everyone is accounted for. Staff and students will be given the all clear after the building has been identified as safe. After the drill, staff will use trauma sensitive language to help students process the experience. No visitors, staff, or students will be allowed to enter or leave the building during the drill.
Students with sensory and other special considerations will be accommodated according to their needs.
For resources on how to communicate with your student(s) about the importance of safety, visit our website.